I just got back into town after Officiating the wedding of my Nephew and his beautiful bride.
And I'll be honest.
I still have goosebumps. And not just because I was able to share in such a life-altering moment. (I love these humans like a second-hand Mama)
But also because I was able to let go and allow the GOOD.
Learning this hasn't been easy. I'm a planner. A doer. An organizational force to be reckoned with. In my world, events don't just happen. They're orchestrated. I used to time everything out to the second, anticipating every possible snag that might mess with perfection. And while this talent has served me well, it's also held me back. Because when the unexpected happens (as it always does), I tend to freeze up or try to force things back into line. But Life doesn't follow a script. And it can get exhausting, trying to control the uncontrollable.
Improvisational skills are a requirement if you want to go with the flow.
So when my free-spirited nephew asked me (on short notice) to be the Officiant at his wedding, I laughed out loud. I knew, without doubt, that I was being asked to waltz with uncertainty. I looked at the bright green dress I'd already purchased for the event. Not going to work. "Hurray!" I said to myself. "We're going shopping!" I thought of the quote Martha Beck often shares with her coaches: "Exist in perpetual creative response to whatever is present." I knew if I was going to enjoy the event and all the days leading up to it, I was going to have to LET GO AND ALLOW THE GOOD. And I did it!
even when there was no actual rehearsal
even when I got a cold and thought I was going to lose my voice
even when there was confusion about who was cuing the bridesmaids
even when I didn't know (until 15 minutes before the wedding) if I was going to have a microphone or not
even when I ruined the wedding booklet that held my script in it
even when it rained the day of the wedding
even when my Spanx malfunctioned
I let go of what I thought was going to happen—and what I really, really wanted to happen—and simply, joyously, participated in what WAS happening.
That's when the magic rushed in. As I stood there, in all the green splendour of Assiniboine Park, watching my Nephew and his bride read their vows to each other, I was keenly aware that we were all being held in the arms of something bigger and kinder and more amazing than anything I could have prepared for. Life really is GOOD, my darling. Let's keep allowing it in.
Sending you so much love,