We're nearing the end of the year and I've noticed something.
Instead of feeling scrambled and overwhelmed, I'm filled with a deep sense of peace.
This didn't just happen on it's own.
I've spent years creating a space where a slow state of ease can exist.
I've cut back the overgrowth of DOING, and pulled dozens of OBLIGATIONS out by their roots. I've had honest conversations, set limits, tempered expectations, and breathed through the discomfort of saying no.
And believe me, there was a LOT of discomfort.
The thought of disappointing someone, or letting them down, used to make me physically ill.
But you know what's worse than upsetting someone?
All the stress and mad-dashery.
My willingness to feel the uncomfortable feelings, to meet my anxiety, to show up for myself, to work through false guilt, to teach my nervous system that it's safe to be honest, PAID OFF.
Not just a little bit, but ten times over.
I no longer hate the holiday season.
There's no emotional dishonesty, no frozen fake-smiling, no twisted knot in my stomach.
I have time for quiet reflection. Which allows me to be more present with loved ones.
This has led to deeper connections and an overall sense of well-being.
If you've made this shift too, I salute you. If you're still in the messy process, I'm sending you encouragement, love and support.
It's a wondrous, strange thing to be human.
We'll always be sorting it out, dancing with different desires and impulses, constantly striving for balance. And it's often harder during the holidays.
If you're feeling disconnected, ask yourself this one simple question.
What will truly nourish me right now?
You don't have to change your entire life. You don't have to figure everything out. Just check in.
What will help regulate your nervous system?
Reduce pressure?
Recharge your batteries?
What will give you immediate, healthy relief?
Whatever it is, DO THAT!
And please love, do it right now.
Sending you so much love,